SG50 has been on the lips of Singaporeans since plans were afoot to celebrate 50 years of independence and separation from Malaysia in an unforgettable fashion. Many Singaporeans have been asked what they wish for our country and the common aspiration is to have a more prosperous and successful Singapore. I have been asked what my wish is for SG 50 and frankly, it is easy to make a wish but for it to come true will require a shift in mindset.
In one of the interviews given by the late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew in his twilight years, he said:
"What is it that I want to do now? To try and secure the future, for what has already been built and not to lose it. Whether it's going to be done by the PAP or any other person or any other party, that is irrelevant. We must keep a system that will enable this place to stand out and prosper."
This message from Mr. Lee Kuan Yew may have been missed by many. He had emphasised that it does not matter which party is going to be able to secure the future of Singapore. The real focus should be on a "system" that will allow our nation to continue with its success and prosperity.
With this message at the back of my mind, I was therefore somewhat dismayed when I read the battle cry by PM Lee for the next general election:
"Our country is at stake...if PAP fails, Singapore is in deep trouble. We shall not fail." [Read More]
With all due respect to PM Lee, whilst he may be concerned about the performance of PAP at the next election, he has to look beyond the GEs if Singapore's interest is above all else. If Singapore has to depend on PAP or any one political party for its survival, then that system which it has in place, cannot be a good thing for Singapore. PM Lee cannot live forever and we may not necessarily have a succession of respectable leaders at the helm of the ruling party.
History has demonstrated the effects of how over time and with changes in leadership, political parties and dynasties are eventually plagued by power corruption, selfish agendas and the effects of group think. For a country to continue to grow in stature, prosper and succeed, she also needs all the talents that she can muster. And no political party can genuinely lay claim to a monopoly of all the talents in the land. When a system is free to operate without the interference of partisan politics, and is ready and open to accept any relevant talent regardless of his or her political affiliation, then that system will be able to truly generate new ideas and hope for a better future, That is the kind of system that we need to develop over the next 10 to 15 years.
The question that we have think about seriously in SG50 is whether or not the future of Singapore should continue to be tied to the fortunes of any one political party? After 50 years of economic growth and development, it would be sad to face the prospect that if PAP fails, Singapore is at stake. This is not to suggest that it is high time to change the PAP government but to highlight the fact that a long term non-partisan view of the nation's interest is necessary for us to build a system that is sound and resilient to any change in the party that forms the government. A sound and resilient socio-economic-political system is what we should all focus on building.
So, my SG50 wish is this. I wish for Singapore to build upon what she has and develop a sound and resilient socio-economic-political system that will secure the future progress and continuing success of Singapore as a nation. Without being tied to the apron strings of any political party, PAP or otherwise.