Showing posts with label Green City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Green City. Show all posts

Saturday, October 3, 2015

SOCIAL: Haze - Protection is better than cure

The haze problem seems set to continue for some years before it can be resolved. Meanwhile, hazy days are becoming seasonal and it is disturbing to see that most people outdoors are not wearing their N95 masks even when the haze reaches very unhealthy levels. Maybe it is troublesome and inconvenient to wear masks or even "not cool" to do so, but we need to understand the long term implications of not taking such a simple step, especially on the health of our young people.

Haze particles can affect the heart and lungs, especially in people who already have chronic heart or lung disease e.g. asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or heart failure. There may be up to 1-3 days of time between exposure to haze and health effects/ symptoms (Click HERE). But for those who may not already have chronic heart or lung disease, they are the ones who should think about how to prevent themselves from contracting these diseases as a result of the haze.

The haze contains various air pollutants which include particulate matter, sulphur dioxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide. Short term exposure (i.e. continuous exposure to unhealthy daily average PSI levels over a period of a few days) to these air pollutants can cause respiratory symptoms and aggravate existing heart or lung disease. Long term exposure over several years may have a higher risk of (i) cardiovascular effects, such as heart attacks, (ii) reduced lung development, as well as (iii) the development of chronic respiratory diseases, such as asthma, in children (Click HERE).

It is heartwarming to see television footages of our Ministers and MPs distributing and even helping our elderly folks to wear masks but it is just as important to educate our young on the need to protect themselves from haze particles. Whether our exposures to unhealthy haze levels are to be classified as long or short term, this is an opportune time to educate our children not to take their health for granted. Just last friday, schools were closed because the 3-hour PSI reading crossed the 300 mark for the first time. Although MOE has a set of haze management plans to minimise outdoor activities and exempt students with pre-existing lung or heart conditions or are unwell from all physical exercise, there is little or no emphasis on the need for students to wear masks when they are outdoors in the haze. It is quite a common sight to see children walking to school and leaving school in the haze, without their masks.

Besides parental advice, MOE should take the initiative to implement mandatory wearing of masks in schools when there is a need to do so. The lesson to teach our children is that protection is better than cure. When everyone in school is wearing a mask, the children will not shy away from doing so because they think their friends will laugh at them. And certainly this will go a long way to ensure that our children, who will become the future pillars of our society, will remain as healthy as possible.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

SOCIAL: Keeping Our Environment Clean And Green

More people we know seem to be stricken by cancer and more young people are dying from  explainable  illnesses. What has gone wrong?

Much blame has been placed on our stress levels, lifestyles and the foods and drinks that we consume. These are undeniably contributory factors but there is something else that has an equally important, if not a greater impact on our health. Our living environment.

We generate as much as 1,370 kg of waste per person each year according to  Singapore 2014 Waste Statistics and that's a whopping total of 7,514,500 tonnes each year. Imagine producing so much waste and not knowing how to protect the environment that we live in. What will happen?

A healthy living environment is definitely important to help us to keep diseases at bay. Wash your hands before you eat and try to keep public eating places as clean as possible after you are done eating or drinking. Throw your litter into the refuse bin. Do not litter to create a breeding ground for rodents and pests. Learn to properly recycle waste and be environmentally friendly. Stop your engine from running when your vehicle is parked to reduce air pollution. Save electricity and water whenever you can as these are precious limited resources that we need for our daily living.

Keep our city clean and green always. Trees and shrubs not only beautify our landscape but add colour and vibrancy to a healthy living environment. Do not destroy our natural environment. If we do, we are harming ourselves. Take care of mother earth and mother earth will take care of you.

Let's work together to keep each other healthy. And happy.